Coconut oil vs olive oil: Which one is healthier?

1. Coconut oil vs olive oil: Which one is healthier? We all are well aware of the fact that cooking...

3 Things You Should Never Do Before a Workout

You've got the enthusiasm, the time, and the cute workout gear, and now you're ready to hit the gym. Don't ruin...

5 Immunity Boosting Yoga Poses

How often do we consider yoga as a tool to boost our immune system? We come to yoga for countless reasons:...


Also known as ground nuts, peanuts, along with beans and peas are members of the legume family which are the...

Not sleeping enough? Your brain might be eating itself

STORY HIGHLIGHTS Researchers recently found that not getting enough sleep consistently could cause the brain to clear a significant amount...

How Much Weight Should You Lift?

Choosing the right weight isn't random. Here's how to determine the resistance you should be using to fast-track your progress....

Whole Wheat Bread Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

With the rise of low-carb and gluten-free eating plans, bread’s reputation has taken a serious hit in recent years. And while it's...

Better Sleep means Better Health

Think about all the factors that can interfere with a good night's sleep — from work stress and family responsibilities...

15 Foods That Boost the Immune System

Immune system boosters Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. If you’re looking for ways to prevent...

Is Peanut Butter Good or Bad for Your Health?

Peanut butter is one of the world’s most popular spreads. It tastes delicious, the texture is simply amazing and the...

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