Why Is Fiber Important for Your Digestive Health?

You know you're supposed to eat lots of fiber — but why? And can you get too much of a...

The Worlds Healthiest Food Apple

An apple a day really does keep the doctor away. Just one a day, or at least 5 a week, will help...

15 Health Benefits of Jaggery Everyone Should Know

Have you ever wondered why your grandparents or, for that matter, even parents relish a piece of jaggery after lunch...

What Should My Resting Heart Rate Be for Good Health?

In general, a typical adult Resting Heart Rate (RHR) can range between 60-100 beats per minute (BPM).  Having a RHR...

How to Stop Masturbating

Masturbation is a normal part of sexual health. It’s a fun activity that can be a safe way to explore...

12 Probiotic Foods For Improved Gut Health

If you can’t afford probiotics on a regular basis, or you would like to add to your existing course of...

10 Health Benefits of Basil Leaves

Summary: Right from a happy tummy to clear skin, basil leaves work wonders for our mind and body. Let’s have a...

Why Traditional Treatment is Used For Virus?

Garlic is used to treat a variety of medical conditions. The sulfur compounds from garlic center the body from the...

7 Ways to Keep Your Immune System Healthy

Several key healthy lifestyle habits can help keep your immune system working to stave off illness and infection. ut simply,...

Tampons vs. Pads: The Ultimate Showdown

Ahhh, the age-old dilemma of tampons vs. pads. If you’re prone to waking up to sheets that resemble a crime...

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