Diet Plan for Weight Gain

Load up your plate with these foods to gain weight Baked potatoes Rich sources of carbohydrates and complex sugars: Grilled...

Foods That Beat Tiredness

Your body runs off what you feed it. The best way to get the most energy from your food is...

Apple in the Morning Wake You Up Better Than Drinking a Cup of Coffee?

An apple a day might be credited with keeping the doctor away, but can eating an apple in the morning...

The 10 best winter fruits you should eat to stay healthy this season

You may not have realized it at first or have not yet correlated your suddenly faulty immune system with your...

Do Apples Give You More Energy Than Coffee?

Eating an apple a day may or may not “keep the doctor away,” but this fruit certainly contains more calories...

Guide to Bael Fruit: Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & More!

A Comprehensive Guide on Bael Fruit The Indian summers are usually a medley of memories - the summer vacations, the...

The 20 Healthiest Fruits on the Planet

Eating fruit on a regular basis can boost health. However, not all fruits are created equal. Some of them provide...


Overview The orange is the fruit of various citrus species in the family Rutaceae; it primarily refers to Citrus ×...


Overview The papaya, papaw, or pawpaw is the plant Carica papaya, one of the 22 accepted species in the genus...


Overview A banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous...

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