How tofu is made?

Look into any modern day tofu factory, and you will see the shiny gleam of machinery that is needed to...

Understanding The Intimate Relationship Between Protein And Fat

A Combination of high-quality nutrients in right proportion is required to achieve and maintain health goals. It is important that...

8 Healthy High-Protein Snacks to Help You Power Through the Day

Whether you want to lose weight, burn fat, or build muscle, protein is your diet's essential building block. Fill up...

Best vegetarian sources of protein (and how much you need in a day)

1. Best vegetarian sources of protein One of the most common concerns of vegetarians is that they don’t have solid...

4 surprising foods that have more calcium than milk

Milk and dairy products are a good source of calcium – but they're not the only way to meet your...

Did You Know… Chia Seeds are a Nutritional Powerhouse

Chia seeds are referred to as a nutritional powerhouse due their high nutritional content. These little seeds are loaded with fiber and are...

Confused Between Whey Vs EAA? Know These 11 Differences.

Protein is nothing but a fuel that your body requires to initiate the recovery process after an exhaustive training session....

Sample diet plan for lean body

A sample diet plan for a lean body would include a combination of nutrient-dense foods that promote muscle growth and...

BCAA Benefits: A Review of Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: leucineisoleucinevaline BCAA supplements are commonly taken to boost...

Essential Amino Acids: Definition, Benefits and Food Sources

Amino acids, often referred to as the building blocks of proteins, are compounds that play many critical roles in your...

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