8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Papaya

The papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit. It’s loaded with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, fight disease and help...

Gastritis Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid

The term gastritis refers to any condition that involves inflammation of the stomach lining. Eating certain foods and avoiding others can help...

Kidney Stone Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Overview Kidney stones in the urinary tract are formed in several ways. Calcium can combine with chemicals, such as oxalate...

Easy 7-Day Weight Gain Meal Plan for Fast Results

Sample Diet Plan #1 Breakfast: 2 slices of whole-grain toast with peanut butter1 banana1 cup of whole milk Snack: 1...

Foods for Acne: What to Eat for Healthier Skin

Similar to the debate of whether stress can cause acne, there is much conjecture regarding the relationship between diet and acne....

Sample diet plan for lean body

A sample diet plan for a lean body would include a combination of nutrient-dense foods that promote muscle growth and...

Role of Supplements in a Healthy Diet and Fitness Plan

Supplements can play a role in a healthy diet and fitness plan, but it is important to understand their limitations...

An Introduction To A Hardgainer Bulking Diet

Note:- Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as...

9 foods to help balance blood sugar levels

When a person has diabetes, either their body does not produce enough insulin, or it cannot use the insulin correctly,...

Foods that boost metabolism

When we speak of metabolism, we are most likely thinking and talking about weight loss. However, this complex process is...

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