A complete guide to beetroot for skin: pros & cons

Beetroot, rich in iron and vitamins, offers numerous skin benefits. High in antioxidants, it is excellent for anti-aging, reduces blemishes, and imparts a rosy glow to the skin.

Beetroot for skin: the basics

Beetroot for skin: the basics

In the quest for a radiant and flawless complexion, often elusive in today’s screen-centric and pollutant-exposed lifestyle, the solution might be in your kitchen – beetroots. Amidst the myriad of skincare products, the benefits of beetroot for skin offer a natural remedy. Packed with nutrients, beetroot can contribute to achieving healthy, spotless skin. Whether added to salads or soups, this humble vegetable can be a secret weapon for a glowing and clear complexion, countering the impacts of stress and environmental pollutants.

Benefits of beetroot for skin

Benefits of beetroot for skin

Aids with smooth skin 

One of the many beetroot benefits for skin include reducing pigmentation and blemishes thanks to the vitamin C in it. It also helps even out the skin tone and moisturises the skin, keeping it soft and supple. 

Take one beetroot with two spoons of curd. You can also add almond oil to this mixture. Apply this paste to your face or body and massage it in. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with water. 

Prevents wrinkles

Prevents wrinkles

High in antioxidants, beetroot is known for its anti-ageing properties. It’s known to prevent fine lines and other early signs of ageing. It contains lycopene that improves skin elasticity and prevents sagging. 

Just crush together some beetroot and add to it a few drops of honey. Apply this on your face at least once or twice a week. This will make the skin taut and give it a natural, healthy glow. 

Fights acne 

If you have oily skin, beetroot juice benefits you too. Drink its juice mixed with cucumber juice and it will improve your skin drastically. Beetroot is full of antioxidants that perk up your skin. You can even mix it with curd and apply it on the skin as it is the perfect concoction to deal with even the most stubborn acne. 

Brightens lips

Brightens lips

Beetroot benefits for skin also include brightening dark lips. If you have dark and pigmented lips and want that rosy blush, switch to beetroot. You can apply beetroot juice on the lips at night and notice the difference in a couple of days. All in all, it is a great way to help even out the tone of pigmented lips. 

Makes the skin glow 

Beetroot juice acts as a potent detox agent, cleansing the body internally and promoting healthy, glowing skin. Daily consumption flushes out toxins, while topical application exfoliates and removes dead skin cells, revealing a radiant complexion. Whether ingested or applied, beetroot is a versatile and effective skincare remedy.

Hydrates dry skin

Hydrates dry skin

For those struggling with persistently dry and flaky skin, beetroot offers a natural remedy. Dry skin often leads to itchiness and redness, potentially causing various skin issues. Instead of resorting to medical interventions, consider beetroot. A simple mixture of one teaspoon of milk, a few drops of almond oil, and two teaspoons of beetroot juice, applied to the face for 10 minutes, can yield soft and smooth skin within a couple of weeks.

Lightens dark circles 

If dealing with dark lips didn’t give it away, beetroot is effective in skin lightening. In a similar fashion, it lightens dark circles as well. Beetroot is rich in antioxidants that are known to revitalise the under-eye area and reduce dark circles. Add a few drops of almond oil to the beetroot juice and massage under your eyes for a few minutes. Wash it off using cold water. 

How to use beetroot for skincare 

How to use beetroot for skincare 

Beetroot for face: To lighten skin

If you have pigmented skin and want it even-toned, this beetroot face pack should be your first pick. This one includes orange peel which is also a great skin-lightening agent, owing to its rich content of vitamin C. 

  • Take two teaspoons of orange peel powder and one teaspoon of beetroot juice and mix the two together to form a paste. 
  • Apply it on your face and let it rest until it’s dry. 
  • Wash it off using a cleanser. 

Beetroot for face: To reduce tan 

Beetroot is great for reducing tan. Along with sour cream, it can do wonders. Here’s a recipe that can help you out. 

  • Take one teaspoon of beetroot juice and one tablespoon of sour cream. Mix it both together to form a face pack. 
  • Apply it and let it sit for about 20-25 minutes. 
  • Wash off using a mild cleanser 

Beetroot for face: To make the skin smooth 

Having a rough day is one thing, having rough skin is another. You deserve smooth and plump skin all day, every day! Do not let a bad day or stress take it away from you. Eat well and let beetroot do the rest. This face pack is a sure-shot recipe to make your skin smooth and soft. 

  • Take three tablespoons of yoghurt and four teaspoons of beetroot juice. Mix the two together 
  • Apply it all over your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes. 
  • Rinse off with water. 

FAQs about beetroot for skincare

FAQs about beetroot for skincare

Q. Can you drink beetroot juice? 

Yes, you can drink beetroot juice on a daily basis. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins and helps clear up the skin. It also helps with hair growth and overall health. 

Q. What are the vital nutrients present in beetroot for skin? 

Beetroot is rich in potassium, iron, vitamin C and magnesium. All of these are great for the skin, whether ingested as a juice or applied topically with other ingredients. 

Q. Can we apply beetroot on face daily? 

Yes. There are no side effects as such to applying it daily. In fact, it helps with some of your skin concerns like acne, hyperpigmentation and the like. 

Finally, reap the beetroot benefits for skin and get a clear and glowing face. If you don’t like the taste of beetroot juice, you can easily turn to the numerous face packs listed above and add them to your skincare routine. 

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