Sexual Health: Reasons Why Ejaculating is Beneficial For You
Men, did you know that ejaculating can offer health benefits apart from sexual satisfaction? Yes, you read it right. Here we give you enough reasons why you should ejaculate more often.

It is a satisfying sexual experience that every man wants to achieve. There are two ways of doing that, either by indulging sex or by involving in masturbation. It can offer you various health benefits that you were unaware of before. Let’s know about them one by one.

Reduces Your risk of Developing Prostate Cancer
According to an Australian study, ejaculating helps your body to prevent accumulation of cancerous cells and as a result it reduces your chances of getting prostate cancer.

Induces Sleep
When you ejaculate, prolactin hormone is released in your brain that calms you down and makes you fall asleep.

Reduces Stress
During ejaculation, your brain releases happy hormones like oxytocin and dopamine. They are known to lower the level of stress hormone called cortisol.

Improves Your Self-Esteem
Release of oxytocin stimulates positive thoughts in your brain and as a result, boosts your self-esteem.

Helps in Getting Over Depression
Don’t be surprised. During ejaculation, serotonin and dopamine hormone is released in the body. These chemicals are known to improve your mood and fight against depression.