9 Tips for Flat Abs
How to Get Flat Abs Like the quest for the Holy Grail, many people are on a mission to improve...
A Good Sleep Can Enhance the Life Span
Experts have revealed why good quality sleep is the number one resolution you should set and why it could lead...
Follow these 8 golden rules to master a push-up
Push-up is an essential form of workout for every fitness enthusiast. Doing push-ups is a must for everyone trying to...
Diet Plan for Weight Gain
Load up your plate with these foods to gain weight Baked potatoes Rich sources of carbohydrates and complex sugars: Grilled...
Healthy Meal Plan for Weight Loss
7 Foods That Help You Shed Pounds Drink Green tea & Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink plenty of water. Avoid calories...
What is Acidity: Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedies
We often hear people say, ‘I have acidity problems.’ But have you ever wondered what they mean by it? What...
7 best foods that help for healing wounds faster
High Protein-based foods that help for healing wounds faster! Eating high protein based food can help to heal your wound very fastly, Research says that eating nutrients...
Healthy Recipe for Winters: Broccoli Soup
Winter season is full of most exotic vegetables. One such vegetable is broccoli. There are a variety of ways to...
How to Relieve Sore Muscles and Muscle Pain After Exercise
Prolonged muscle pain after a workout can be a sign of muscle injury. The Department of Physiotherapy and LIFE Centre...
Myths About Height Increase (Seceret)
We’ve all been there, feeling a little down about our height. Whether you feel too tall and gangly or too...