10 Training Techniques

Use training techniques at least three times a week to blast your muscles into accelerated growth.

  • Supersets: perform two exercises in a row without any rest to increase intensity, and shorten workouts. Example: Bicep Curls: 3×12,  Lying Triceps Extensions: 3×12

  • Trisets: perform three exercises in a row without any rest. Example: Wrist Curls: 3×12, Reverse Wrist Curls: 3×12, Reverse Barbell Curls: 3×12

  • Giant Sets: perform four exercises in a row without any rest. Example: Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3×12, Flat Dumbbell Bench Press: 3×12, Peck Deck Flyes: 3×12, Cable Cross-overs: 3×12

  • Forced Reps: perform the maximum amount reps alone, then have your training partner help you perform a couple more reps.

  • Partial Reps: perform maximal full reps, then continue by doing partial reps, if you can bear the pain.

  • Cheating Reps: perform full ROM (Range Of Motion) reps until you reach failure, then use momentum and secondary muscles to complete additional reps.

  • Rest-Pause: perform as many reps as possible until you reach failure, drop the weights, rest for a few seconds, then try to perform additional reps.

  • 21s: complete 7 half reps in the lower ROM, 7 half reps in the upper ROM, followed by 7 full ROM reps.

  • Drop Sets: perform a certain amount of sets in a row while reducing the weight each time. This method is also called as Running The Rack and is used to increase intensity. Example: Set 1—Flat Barbell Bench Press (250 pounds) 12 reps, Set 2—Flat Barbell Bench Press (200 pounds): 12 reps, Set 3—Flat Barbell Bench Press (150 pounds): 12 reps

  • Peak Contraction: for example, when doing dumbbell bicep curls, flex the biceps at the top part of the movement.


This program is high volume so expect plenty of sets. 4 sets per exercise will stimulate growth and strength.


Reps decrease each set, since you will be increasing the weight each time. You will be performing both low and high reps to get size and endurance.


Rest 60 to 90 seconds in between sets to ensure your muscles fully recover for the upcoming sets.

Injury Prevention


One of the most common injuries has to do with the rotator cuff muscles, especially when getting to the advanced level. Injuries slow down your progress and can ruin your entire training, so I had to include this as part of the workout.

Below are some reasons as to why you should train your SITS (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis) muscles.

  1. Decrease chances of injury
  2. Increase weight in certain lifts
  3. Increase upper back muscle size
  4. Develop better posture
  5. Increase ROM in many exercises

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