Benefits Of Zinc And Its Side Effects
Zinc is basically a metal which is also described as a trace element. However, it is also one of the most effective remedies for cold. The human body requires zinc in small quantities in order to function normally but on a regular basis. Important bodily functions cannot be performed easily without the intake of zinc in proper quantities. There are a number of ways in which zinc benefits the human body and these include hormone production, repair and growth; immunity improvement and digestion facilitation. It also has the ability of acting in the form of an anti-inflammatory agent coming with essential therapeutic advantages for chronic and common diseases such as reversing heart problems and gifting cancer.

Zinc is basically a transition metal or it can also be described as an important trace element that comes with substantial biological significance for animals, plants and human beings. It is responsible for different bodily functions and helps in stimulating the activity of minimum 100 varied enzymes. In order to reap the best benefits of this trace element, human beings just need to consume a small quantity of zinc. It makes way for proper and normal functioning of the human body by serving in the form of an enzyme cofactor protecting the cell membranes from lysis which is a result of toxin release and complement activation. Zinc is not found in the human body naturally and therefore the dietary intake of this element is necessary. Seafood and meat are the most important sources of zinc. Women require 8 milligrams of zinc per day while men require 11 milligrams of this important element per day. Low levels of zinc in the human body might make an individual susceptible to different illnesses and diseases. Zinc is not only found in foods but it also available in the form of dietary supplement.
Nutritional Value of Zinc
Zinc is one of the most important aspects of nutrition for the human body. There are different foods that are rich in their content of zinc with the most prominent one being oysters. Oysters provide more zinc per serving in comparison to all the other foods containing zinc. Poultry and red meat are also important sources of zinc. Other food varieties that are rich in their content of zinc include nuts, beans, whole grains, whole wheat grain, almonds, ginger root, pumpkin seeds, pecan nuts and different varieties of seafood like lobster and crab. Other foods containing zinc include turnips and peas. Phytates present in cereals, whole grain breads and legumes bind zinc while inhibiting its absorption. It is important to note that foods that are high in their protein content are rich sources of zinc. Lamb, pork and beef contain more zinc in comparison to fish. It is also worth noting that vegetables and fruits do not contain zinc and therefore vegetarian and low-protein diets are low in their zinc content. It is widely found in mineral supplements and multivitamins and also in over-the-counter medicines.
Health Benefits of Zinc

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Zinc
Regulates body
Zinc is one of the most important trace elements required by the human body for activating T lymphocytes or T cells. T cells assist the human body in regulating and controlling immune responses and in attacking cancerous or infected cells. Deficiency of zinc can impair the proper functioning of the immune system in people.
Cure diarrhea
Studies have proved the fact that zinc helps in curing diarrhea to a great extent. Experts are of the belief that the zinc intake of kids should always be a major concern for parents because kids are the prime victims of diarrhea. Zinc is quite effective in treating diarrhea and in preventing future occurrences of the same
Improves memory

Research carried out on the subject of zinc having a positive effect on memory and the learning capacity of individuals has proved that zinc has an important role in regulating the communication procedure of neurons with one another. This has an effect on memory and the learning capacity of an individual.
Muscle mass
The human body makes use of zinc for making proteins. Therefore, it can rightly be said that zinc has an important role to play in the development and the maintenance of lean muscle mass. Zinc deficiency might result in unintentional weight loss and poor appetite. Therefore, it is always very important for individuals to keep up their regular zinc requirements that can help them in looking and feeling their best.
Aids in pregnancy
Zinc is one of the most important ingredients needed by pregnant women. This is because zinc is essential for the proper development and growth of the fetus. Zinc sufficiency indicates that a woman has decreased chances of delivering a preterm baby.
Prevents osteoporosis
Getting zinc in proper amounts on a regular basis can also help in preventing osteoporosis and this goes special for women who have already experienced menopause. If reports are to be believed, taking zinc in low amounts can result in low bone density. Zinc helps in decreasing bone loss in postmenopausal women.
Deals with acne
Studies have proved the fact that zinc is one of the most important and effective home remedies for dealing with acne and pimples. This mineral is one of the most important minerals for eliminating skin acne. It works by regulating and controlling the levels of testosterone within the body that have an important role to play when it comes to causing acne. Additionally, zinc is also a part of collagen synthesis which helps in normalizing oil presence under the skin and in improving the health of the skin
Prevents inflammatory skin
Eczema which is also known as atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder mainly caused due to the zinc deficiency within the body. Zinc has an important role to play in healing serious infections and in helping the body in restoring its capacity of healing completely and properly.
Deals with prostrate problems
Zinc is one of the most important minerals required for dealing with and doing way with prostate problems. Zinc deficiency can result in the enlargement of the prostate gland making it vulnerable to cancer. Therefore, it is always very important for individuals to take zinc when suffering from disorders of the prostate. Zinc present in normal levels within the system helps in preventing the growth of tumor in the prostate.
Proper growth
Zinc is probably one of the most significant elements required for leading a healthy life. It comes with this unique ability of improving the senses of smell and taste. Olfactory cells and taste buds tend to be zinc reliant and zinc is necessary for the proper growth and development of these cells.
Treats colds
Zinc is also effective in treating colds and other mild illnesses. Zinc helps in reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines that aggravate the human body when it is suffering from infections and colds.
Repair DNA
Zinc is also needed for the proper functioning and repair of DNA. In men, zinc helps in spermatogenesis and in the growth of sex organs
Uses of Zinc
Zinc has several ethnobotanical or traditional uses. The role that zinc plays in human functioning and health has focused the attention of users in taking zinc in the form of a dietary supplement for disease prevention and health promotion. However, apart from being used for health benefits, zinc also offers therapeutic usage in atopic eczema, common cold, psoriasis, degenerative retinal lesions, acne vulgaris, inflammatory bowel disease, age-related macular degeneration and other disorders. Zinc is also used for enhanced healing of injuries and wounds of all kinds.
Side-Effects & Allergies of Zinc
There are several health benefits that can be fetched from zinc but taking in zinc in large quantities can turn out to be very dangerous. The adverse effects of high zinc consumption include vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, headache, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Excessive zinc might also suppress the absorption of copper. It has also been indicated through studies that excessive intake of zinc might result in the formation of kidney stones.
Origin And Cultivation of Zinc
There are several health benefits that can be fetched from zinc but taking in zinc in large quantities can turn out to be very dangerous. The adverse effects of high zinc consumption include vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, headache, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Excessive zinc might also suppress the absorption of copper. It has also been indicated through studies that excessive intake of zinc might result in the formation of kidney stones.