Easy Tips To Naturally Remove Toxins From The Body For Stronger Immunity
Toxins are super harmful substances that include environmental pollutants, synthetic chemicals, additives, heavy metals, and even processed foods – all of which can negatively affect your health and well-being. According to experts, it is important that they are regularly eliminated from your body, or else they weaken your immune system, making you fall sick.
There are many diets and supplements that claim to detoxify your body from these harmful substances, but none are either supported by research or can be a permanent treatment.
And so, there are many tried and tested home remedies that can help remove toxins and strengthen your immunity. Here’s a guide to natural detox methods:
Ways to naturally remove toxins
Drink lots of water

Water not only quenches your thirst but also regulates your body temperature, lubricates joints, aids digestion, and helps in nutrient absorption while detoxifying your body.
According to experts, the adequate daily water intake is 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women. You may need it more or less depending on your diet, where you live, and your activity level.
Ensuring adequate and quality sleep every night is extremely important for your body to support your natural detoxification system. Sleeping not only allows your brain to reorganize and recharge itself, but it also removes toxic waste byproducts that accumulate throughout the day.
Stop drinking alcohol

Your liver can metabolize more than 90 per cent of the alcohol you consume. Liver enzymes metabolize alcohol to acetaldehyde – a known cancer-causing chemical. Recognizing acetaldehyde as a toxin, your liver converts it to a harmless substance called acetate, which it eliminates from your body However, if you drink excessively, alcohol consumption can destroy your liver completely by causing fat buildup, inflammation, and scarring.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants help protect your body against damage caused by free radicals. And so, it is important to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants to help your body counter oxidative stress.
Eat lots of berries, nuts, cocoa, vegetables, spices, and beverages like coffee and green tea, which have the highest amounts of antioxidants.
Lower your salt intake

Too much salt in your meals makes the body retain excess fluid – which in the long run affects your kidneys or liver. This excess fluid buildup causes bloating. Experts recommend decreasing salt intake and drinking more water to eliminate toxins and waste products.
Exercise regularly

Regular exercise and workouts – regardless of your body weight are extremely important not just to keep yourself devoid of toxins, but to reduce the risk of many conditions and diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain cancers.