Do You Know About The Side Effects Of Starting Day Without Brushing Your Teeth?

Oral hygiene is as important and working out, and if you’re skipping taking care of your teeth by not brushing in the morning, here’s what may happen!  

Brushing teeth before consuming your breakfast is necessary for better oral health and overall wellness. The process helps you to it reset your mouth and make it ready for the foods that you will be eating during the entire day. Wondering how?

Well, by removing bacteria that grows in your mouth overnight. There are pieces of food that somehow stays in your mouth even if you brush try cleaning it from water in the night. The next morning those left out pieces need to be taken out to avoid any other problems. 

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Scientifically called halitosis, bad breath reportedly has its effect on around 65 per cent of the world’s population. It mainly happens because of poor oral health. Initially what happens is the tiny food particles that remain long after meals begin to stink, and the less clean your tooth is because of skipping brushing, the more bacteria build up in your mouth. Tongue cleaning is equally crucial, as not removing the upper foul layer can also cause bad breath. 

Pregnancy Complications 

Pregnancy Complications

Believe it or not, the about-to-be mothers need not only to take care of their diets but also their oral health. Otherwise, her children will become more likely to develop cavities, have lower birth weight and preterm birth, according to a health website. This happens because the bacteria from the mouth end up colonising the placenta travelling through the mother’s bloodstream. 

Tooth Decay 

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay leads to unbearable pain and in worst scenarios dental surgeries. As you don’t clean your teeth, plaque and tartar work together to eat away your teeth and gums. Once the bacteria reach the end of your teeth, it starts attacking your gum. After a certain period of time, the teeth will weaken and decay, thereafter leading to cavities and tooth loss.

Stained Teeth

Stained Teeth

While there are now several ways through which you can make your teeth white. But why to let it stain initially?  Whenever you eat or drink pigmented food like coffee, tea, beets, and or even wine, your teeth can end up yellow. Above this, if you don’t brush teeth before taking breakfast you will leave your teeth stained and ugly looking. 

Loose teeth

Loose teeth

Who wants to have capping and fake teeth before even getting to an age when you actually start losing your tooth? No one of course! But, if you don’t brush your teeth in the morning your teeth can eventually lead to periodontitis. A condition that damages the bone in your jaw and open up spaces between the gums, therefore making and your teeth lose.

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