Egzersiz İyileştirme için Takviyelerden Daha İyi Olan 10 Bütün Gıda
Bu Makaledeki Her Şey

1 of 11Whole Foods vs. Spor İçecekleri
Bu günlerde, aralarından seçim yapabileceğiniz tonlarca egzersiz sonrası takviye var – ancak gerçekten süslü bir spor içeceğine mi ihtiyacınız var? A study bu yılın başlarında yayınlandı PLOS One bunu yapmamanızı önerir: Araştırmacılar muz, şekerli bir spor içeceği ve düz eski suyun etkilerini egzersiz kurtarma beslenmesi olarak karşılaştırdılar. Muz -bütün bir yemek- zirveye çıktı.
To the nutrition community, this wasn’t a huge surprise: “Whole foods are often overlooked since many sports supplements are convenient and specifically formulated for recovery after exercise, but many people don’t require specialized supplements. They can get the nutrients they need from whole foods alone,” explains Allison Knott, R.D., spor beslenmesi konusunda uzmanlaşmış NYC merkezli kayıtlı bir diyetisyen. (
Plus, real food provides extra value: “Whole foods have the added benefit of providing additional nutrients like antioxidants and other essential vitamins and minerals,” says Knott. “They’re often less expensive and are likely more satisfying too.”
Kısacası, bütün yiyecekler gidilecek yoldur. İşte Knott’un egzersiz iyileşmesi için en iyi 10 yiyeceği.

2 of 11Greek Yoğurt
You’ve likely heard this one before, but it bears repeating: “Greek yogurt is an ideal post-workout snack because it contains a mix of carbohydrates and protein,” says Knott. “Ingesting 20 to 25g of protein after a workout will aid in muscle protein synthesis, and consuming carbohydrate in combination with protein can further aid in this process.”

3 of 11Baked Patates
Evet, gerçekten. Bu akşam yemeği zamanı tarafı aslında egzersiz sonrası harika bir atıştırmalık.
“Two of the major minerals lost in sweat are sodium and potassium,” says Knott. “Most people don’t need a sports drink to replenish these minerals, as many can get adequate amounts from food. The baked potato is one example of a food that can aid in replenishing lost potassium after a workout. Plus, it’s carbohydrate-rich—a must for recovery.”
Knott suggests topping it with a lean animal protein (like shredded chicken or ground turkey) or beans for a vegetarian option. “Add additional anti-inflammatory nutrients from leafy greens and give protein a boost with a scoop of Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.”

4 of 11Whole-Sütlü Tahıl Gevreği
Tahılı sadece kahvaltılık bir ürün olarak düşünebilirsiniz, ancak doğru türü seçmeniz koşuluyla günün herhangi bir saatinde çalışabilir.
“Choose a whole-grain cereal that’s low in added sugar,” says Knott. While cereal is technically processed, it can be a great way to get whole grains (aka healthy carbs) into your diet. “Dairy or soy milk will work here. Whole-grain cereals plus protein from milk provides a protein and carbohydrate combination that enhances muscle repair after a workout.”

5 of 11A Bir Avuç Çilek
“Berries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and may help in the recovery process after an intense exercise bout,” explains Knott. “Berries are also a natural source of carbohydrates, making them ideal for a post-workout snack when paired with protein.” Add them to your Greek yogurt for a perfect mix of protein and carbs.

6 of 11Kefir
Those little drinkable yogurt bottles in the dairy aisle shouldn’t go ignored. “Not only is kefir convenient, but it’s also a good source of protein and probiotics,” Knott says.
“Probiotics support gastrointestinal function by promoting a balance in gut bacteria,” she says. “A healthy gut microbiome is also supportive of a healthy immune system, which is especially important during intense training.” (Heads up: Here’s how to control your ravenous hunger after a tough workout.)

7 of 11Ayılar
“Cherries are a good source of antioxidants, which play a role in recovery after exercise by reducing oxidative stress,” notes Knott. “Cherries are also a source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins A and C.” Combine with the protein of your choice for a complete post-workout meal.

8 of 11Cottage Peyniri
If you’re ready to switch things up from yogurt, give cottage cheese a try. “Cottage cheese, like yogurt, contains leucine, an amino acid known to enhance muscle protein synthesis,” says Knott. “Top with fruit for added carbohydrates.” (Or try one of these other cottage cheese recipes.)

9 of 11Karrots
“Carrots are a source of beta-carotene, which is known to play a role in immune function,” explains Knott. That being said, it’s not generally recommended to supplement with it because of potential side effects. That means whole food sources are ideal, and carrots are one of the best.

10 of 11Hard Haşlanmış Yumurta
Simple and easy to transport, hard-boiled eggs are the ultimate workout recovery snack. “Eggs are a good source of protein and contain vitamin D,” says Knott. “Vitamin D plays a role in managing inflammation in the body. Remember to pair with a source of carbohydrates!” (BTW, here’s how a vitamin D deficiency can harm your health.)

11 of 11Baked Tatlı Patates
Sweet potatoes are also a great source of beta-carotene, says Knott. “Bake and serve as a side with maple syrup or brown sugar, cut into fries and bake with savory spices, or cube, steam, and add to a smoothie for a creamy carbohydrate boost. Sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and fiber which can help to fill you up post-workout while also replacing glycogen stores.”