Puoi fare questo allenamento per le braccia a 10 mosse a casa, senza pesi richiesti

Gli esercizi tradizionali per le braccia come i riccioli bicipiti e le presse per le spalle funzionano alla grande per rafforzare la parte superiore del corpo.but di solito richiedono alcuni pesi per ottenere il miglior beneficio. Quindi cosa succede se vuoi un allenamento efficiente ed efficace, senza doverti preoccupare dell’attrezzatura (come, quando sei in viaggio, hai uno spazio limitato o semplicemente non riesci a raggiungere la palestra)? Entra, esercizi per le braccia a corpo libero.

Solo un rapido FYI: la forza delle braccia è importante: braccia e spalle forti ti aiutano a muoverti più comodamente per tutta la vita quotidiana, roxie Jones, NASM-CPT, personal trainer e istruttore SoulCycle, dice Health. Pensa a quante volte apri e chiudi le porte, porti la spesa, ti spingi fuori dal letto o sollevi una valigia nel vano sopraelevato. Tutte queste mosse si sentiranno much più facile se hai allenato la parte superiore del corpo, anche senza pesi.

Spingere, tirare e tenere il proprio peso corporeo richiede un lavoro serio e richiede forza e stabilità. Inoltre, se sei nuovo nell’allenamento della forza, iniziare con esercizi senza attrezzatura è la cosa più intelligente da fare. “Consiglio sempre di padroneggiare gli esercizi a corpo libero prima di passare ai pesi reali”, dice Jones. È importante sentirsi a proprio agio con un esercizio e una forma corretta delle unghie prima di aggiungere qualsiasi resistenza esterna: questa è una strategia infallibile per eludere le lesioni.

Per farti costruire la parte superiore del corpo, prova questi 10 esercizi per le braccia a corpo libero di Jones. Falli nel tuo salotto, nella tua camera d’albergo o in qualsiasi altro luogo in cui ritieni di aver bisogno di un allenamento veloce.


Fai gli esercizi per le braccia qui sotto sempre e ovunque tu abbia abbastanza spazio per planare. Tutti prendono di mira le braccia, in particolare tricipiti, bicipiti e spalle, ma molti di loro lavorano anche il core, i glutei, il petto e i muscoli della schiena. (I tuoi addominali lo faranno definitely essere in fiamme con tutto il planking.) Scegli quattro o cinque esercizi da fare in stile circuito, sia per il tempo (ovunque da 30-60 secondi) che per le ripetizioni (punta a 10-12). Completa l’intero circuito 2-4 volte, a seconda di quanto tempo vuoi allenarti. Se sei in palestra e vuoi afferrare i pesi dopo, Jones suggerisce di usare queste mosse come riscaldamento.

Tuffo del tricipite

arm exercise at home tricep dip

  1. Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet flat. Place hands behind you, elbows bent, wrists underneath shoulders, and fingertips facing in toward body. Straighten arms and lift butt off the floor.
  2. Slowly bend elbows to lower body toward the floor.
  3. Straighten arms again, using triceps to push yourself up. Repeat.

Tavola inversa

arm exercises at home reverse plank

  1. Sit on the floor with legs extended in front of you. Place hands slightly behind you, palms on the floor underneath shoulders, fingertips facing in toward body.
  2. Press into palms to lift hips and torso off the floor. Keep arms and legs straight and make sure abs and glutes are engaged. Pause for a few seconds.
  3. Lower back down to the ground. Repeat.

Push-Up eccentrico

arm exercises at home eccentric pushup

  1. Start in a high plank position with hands flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart, and wrists stacked under shoulders.
  2. Keeping body in one long line from shoulders to heels, bend elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body as you take 3-4 seconds to lower toward the floor.
  3. With knees on the floor, press through palms to push back up to start.
  4. Bring knees up to a high plank and repeat.

Rubinetto a spalla Plank

arm exercises at home shoulder tap

  1. Start in a high plank position with hands flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart, wrists stacked under shoulders.
  2. Tap right hand to left shoulder, then return to start, keeping abs and glutes engaged to keep hips as stable as possible.
  3. Repeat, tapping left hand to right shoulder. Continue alternating.

Tricipite push-up

arm exercises at home tricep pushup

  1. Start in a high plank position with hands flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart, wrists stacked under shoulders. Rotate elbows so that the insides face in front of you.
  2. Keeping elbows close to your sides and your body in one straight line from shoulders to heels, bend arms behind you and lower to the floor. Maintain a straight line from shoulders to heels. Elbows should squeeze in tight toward body.
  3. Press through palms to push back up to start. Repeat.

Push-Up a rilascio manuale con portata

arm exercises at home hand release pushup

  1. Start in a high plank position with hands flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart, wrists stacked under shoulders.
  2. Keeping your body in one straight line from shoulders to heels, bend elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body, and lower to the floor with control.
  3. Rest chest on the ground and squeeze shoulder blades together to lift hands an inch or two off the floor. Then, reach arms out in front of you.
  4. Next, pull elbows back in toward chest and place palms back underneath shoulders.
  5. Press through palms to push back up to start. Repeat.

Tavola su-giù

arm exercises at home up down plank

  1. Start in a high plank position with hands flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart, wrists stacked under shoulders.
  2. Place right forearm down on the ground, maintaining a plank. Then come down to left forearm and pause in a forearm plank.
  3. Press back into right hand, then left hand to return to a high plank. Move as quickly as you can while keeping abs and glutes engaged, hips stable, and a straight line from shoulders to heels.
  4. Repeat, alternating which arm you start with each time.

Plank con Bodyweight Row

arm exercises at home plank row

  1. Start in a high plank position with hands flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart, wrists stacked under shoulders.
  2. Pull right elbow back so hand reaches chest, engaging the lats (mid-back) as you go. Pause at the top, then place back down on ground.
  3. Repeat with left elbow, alternating sides.

Tavola laterale dell’avambraccio con rotazione

arm exercises plank rotation

  1. Start lying on left side with left elbow stacked underneath left shoulder, forearm on the floor, legs extended and hips and knees stacked. Engage abs and glutes and extend right arm toward the ceiling. Press through left forearm to lift hips toward the ceiling. This is your starting position.
  2. Rotate torso toward the floor as you thread right arm underneath your body.
  3. Rotate back to start, bringing right arm back toward the ceiling. Repeat. Then switch sides.


arm exercises at home superwoman

  1. Start lying on stomach, arms and legs extended.
  2. Lift arms, shoulders, chest, and legs off the floor and hold. Squeeze glutes and keep your gaze toward the floor so neck stays neutral.
  3. Then lower back down to the floor. Repeat.

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