

Die Papaya, Papaya oder Papaya ist die Pflanze Carica papaya, eine der 22 akzeptierten Arten in der Gattung Carica der Familie Caricaceae. Sein Ursprung liegt in den Tropen Amerikas, vielleicht aus Mittelamerika und Südmexiko.


Kalorien (100g): 206 cal

Makronährstoffe  (% Daily Value*)

Gesamtfett  · 0,6 g (0%

Kohlenhydrate  gesamt· 56 g (18%

Ballaststoff   ·  1,5 g(5%)

Zucker   ·  52 g(0%)

Protein  · 0,1 g (1%)

Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen

  • Papaya has a powerful antioxidant effects. Free radicals are reactive molecules created during your body’s metabolism. Antioxidants, including the carotenoids found in papayas, can neutralize free radicals.
  • Papaya has anticancer properties. Research suggests that the lycopene in papaya can reduce cancer risks.
  • Papaya may improve digestion. The papain enzyme in papaya can make protein easier to digest.
Welche Nebenwirkungen sind möglich?
  • Papaya might harm the esophagus. Unripe papaya fruit contains papaya latex, which contains an enzyme called papain. Eating a lot of papain might damage the esophagus.
  • Papaya can trigger a reaction in people allergic to latex.
  • Papaya is a nutritious fruit, with fiber and vitamins. Eat too much of it, however, and you may increase your risk for gas or bloating due to papaya’s fiber content.

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