Risques de rester assis pendant de longues périodes

La recherche a établi un lien entre la position assise pendant de longues périodes et un certain nombre de problèmes de santé. Il s’agit notamment : l’obésité et un groupe de conditions – augmentation de la pression artérielle, glycémie élevée, excès de graisse corporelle autour de la taille et taux de cholestérol malsain — qui constituent le syndrome métabolique.

Rester assis pendant de longues périodes peut entraîner une gamme de risques pour la santé, notamment:

  1. Poor Posture: Sitting for long periods of time can lead to poor posture and alignment of the spine, which can result in pain and discomfort.
  2. Obesity: Sitting for long periods of time can lead to weight gain and obesity, as it reduces the number of calories burned throughout the day.
  3. Cardiovascular Disease: Sitting for extended periods of time can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as it can lead to a decrease in blood flow and an increase in blood pressure.
  4. Type 2 Diabetes: Sitting for long periods of time can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as it can lead to insulin resistance.
  5. Muscle Degeneration: Sitting for extended periods of time can result in muscle degeneration, as it reduces the amount of physical activity and movement that the body is used to.
  6. Increased Risk of Certain Cancers: Some studies have suggested that sitting for long periods of time can increase the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast, and endometrial cancer.
  7. Mental Health Problems: Sitting for extended periods of time can also impact mental health, leading to depression and anxiety.

Pour atténuer ces risques, il est recommandé de prendre des pauses régulières pour se lever et se déplacer, faire de l’exercice régulièrement et maintenir une bonne posture en position assise.

Dans l’ensemble, la recherche semble indiquer que moins de position assise et plus de mouvement contribuent à une meilleure santé. Vous pourriez commencer par simplement rester debout plutôt que de vous asseoir lorsque vous en avez l’occasion. Ou trouvez des moyens de marcher pendant que vous travaillez. Par exemple:

  • Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes.
  • Stand while talking on the phone or watching television.
  • If you work at a desk, try a standing desk — or improvise with a high table or counter.
  • Walk with your colleagues for meetings rather than sitting in a conference room.
  • Position your work surface above a treadmill — with a computer screen and keyboard on a stand or a specialized treadmill-ready vertical desk — so that you can be in motion throughout the day.

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