Best Foods for Vitamin D

You don’t need to go outside to get enough vitamin D Vitamin D is an important part of overall health,...

What Is the Best Temperature for Sleep?

Being in a comfortable environment is essential for healthy sleep. Keeping your sleeping quarters at a temperature near 65°F (18.3°C),...

Are whole grains good for you?

Low-carb diets have risen in popularity, but there are plenty of ways to eat for a healthy heart. Our review...

9 Foods to Improve Your Sexual Health

Knowing which foods increase your libido can improve your sexual health and enhance your sex life All the images in...

Top 7 herbs that can bring down sperm count and affect fertility in men

These herbs reduce sperm count and affects fertility in men. Infertility and low sperm count are a great concern for men these...


We all know that working out can make us more powerful in terms of physical strength, but how many of...

Study finds nomophobia is associated with poor sleep health in college students

Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine Summary: A new study found that the fear of being out of mobile phone...

Seven ways to increase sperm count naturally

01. Ways to increase sperm count naturally Infertility is a common problem and is rapidly increasing worldwide. As of now,...

Why You Should Lay Off Energy Drinks For Your Good Health

Several reports have highlighted mounting concerns about the potential cardiovascular system harms of consuming too many energy drinks Energy drinks...

Are corn flakes with milk a healthy option for breakfast?

01. Are corn flakes healthy or fattening? Are corn flakes with milk a healthy choice for breakfast? There have been...

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