Come costruire muscoli del torace più grandi

Se ti alleni in una grande palestra commerciale, probabilmente avrai notato che il lunedì è il National Bench Day. Tutti sembrano allenare il petto. Il martedì è spesso il National Bench Day parte 2 con più dello stesso.

Ma come si allena il petto in modo efficiente per la massima crescita? In questo post ti spiegherò quali errori devi evitare per costruire un petto più grande e il metodo giusto per aumentare le dimensioni del tuo petto.

I 3 migliori errori di costruzione del torace

Allenare i muscoli del torace 4x / settimana usando le routine dei bodybuilder professionisti sta sprecando il tuo tempo. Soprattutto se sei magro.

  • Isolation Exercises. You can’t stress your chest with heavy weights using exercises like dumbbell flies. So you won’t trigger the release of Testosterone & Growth Hormone as much as with compounds.
  • Eating Like a Pigeon. You’ll never get a big chest if you’re 120lbs at 6′. Training your chest 3x/week won’t get it bigger unless you eat more.
  • Isolating Your Chest. Although your chest has to 2 main heads, it’s 1 muscle and contracts as a whole. You can’t isolate your upper or lower chest. You can only emphasize it.

Ecco come costruire un forziere più grande

La chiave per aumentare le dimensioni dei muscoli del torace è mangiare di più e diventare più forti. Costruisci una base prima ancora di pensare di aggiungere esercizi di isolamento.

  • Eat More. Your chest will never be big if you’re underweight. You need to fill up your frame by eating more. Check the guide to gaining weight.
  • Do Heavy Compounds. Free weight compound exercises like the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Overhead Press are the fastest way to build overall strength & bulk. Do them often & heavy.
  • Rest. Your muscles grow when they rest, not when you train them. Train your chest maximum 2x/week. Eat your calories so your chest gets the nutrients it needs to recover and grow bigger.
  • Use Proper Technique. A partial bench press doesn’t work your chest through a full range of motion. Touch your shirt on the way down, lock your elbows at the top. Lower the weight if you have to.
  • Set Realistic Goals. The average guy will gain maximum 2lb of lean muscle a month. There’s nothing you can do to accelerate this process. You need to be patient and keep chipping at it.
  • Be Patient. Especially if you’re still a teen. Your body is still developing. You won’t get the chest development of a 30y old if you’re only 15. Build the foundation and be patient. Your chest will change as you get older.

I 3 migliori esercizi di costruzione del torace

Non fare cose come Bench Pressing al collo o con i gomiti fuori. Entrambi sono potenzialmente pericolosi e feriranno le spalle. Usa esercizi in cui puoi andare pesante in sicurezza.

  • Bench Press. Allows you to stress your body with heavy weights. Forget about getting a bigger chest if you can’t at least bench your body-weight for 5×5 (so at least 160lbs for 5×5 if you weigh 160lbs).
  • Weighted Dips. If your shoulders can take them: dips between parallel bars while wearing a belt with weight will build your chest muscles.
  • Dumbbell Press. Increase chest growth by stretching your pecs on the way down. But you can’t use as much weight as with barbells.

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