A Good Sleep Can Enhance the Life Span

Experts have revealed why good quality sleep is the number one resolution you should set and why it could lead...

How to Relieve Sore Muscles and Muscle Pain After Exercise

Prolonged muscle pain after a workout can be a sign of muscle injury. The Department of Physiotherapy and LIFE Centre...

Apple in the Morning Wake You Up Better Than Drinking a Cup of Coffee?

An apple a day might be credited with keeping the doctor away, but can eating an apple in the morning...

The Health and Beauty Benefits of Black Seed Oil

What is black seed oil? Nigella sativa is a small flowering shrub with purple or white-tinged flowers that grows in Eastern...

What are probiotics and what do they do?

The intestinal tract is the organ in the body that digests and absorbs food. It is populated by trillions of...

7 Health Reasons Why Ginger Should Be a Mandatory Part of Your Diet

Known for its spicy, pungent taste, the ginger stem is one that is found in almost every household within the...

The Benefits of Drinking Hot Water: Ayurvedic Tradition and Scientific Support

Introduction: Ayurvedic practices emphasize the benefits of consuming hot water, known as 'garam pani,' for hydration, detoxification, and revitalization.Hot water...

12 Health Benefits of Drinking Water Stored in a Copper Vessel

Drinking water stored in a copper vessel can be beneficial for your health. When you store water in a copper...

What You Should Eat Before And After A Workout

Eating The Right Food Around Your Workout Is Necessary To Get Fit Since you started your fitness journey, you've often heard...

When is the best time of day to work out?

Trying to find the best time for exercise? The truth is, it’s personal! Follow these tips to figure out what...

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