How to find the perfect weight loss plan that works for you

01/7 Confused? This might help! We all are different and thus there is no one size fits all when we...

A Good Sleep Can Enhance the Life Span

Experts have revealed why good quality sleep is the number one resolution you should set and why it could lead...

Foods to eat for better sex

Humans have looked for ways to improve their sexual experience for thousands of years, including trying to discover the best...

Apple in the Morning Wake You Up Better Than Drinking a Cup of Coffee?

An apple a day might be credited with keeping the doctor away, but can eating an apple in the morning...

The Health and Beauty Benefits of Black Seed Oil

What is black seed oil? Nigella sativa is a small flowering shrub with purple or white-tinged flowers that grows in Eastern...

7 Health Reasons Why Ginger Should Be a Mandatory Part of Your Diet

Known for its spicy, pungent taste, the ginger stem is one that is found in almost every household within the...

Tips for Underweight People

Drink plenty of water. High calorie high protein diet is recommended. Consume your food in frequent small meals and eat...

12 Health Benefits of Drinking Water Stored in a Copper Vessel

Drinking water stored in a copper vessel can be beneficial for your health. When you store water in a copper...

Do Apples Give You More Energy Than Coffee?

Eating an apple a day may or may not “keep the doctor away,” but this fruit certainly contains more calories...

9 Muscle Building Bedtime Snacks

Help fuel your muscles through the night with these protein-rich snacks Pairing a protein-rich food with a healthy fat can...

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