Milk and honey: Is it good to have them together?
01/7 Milk and honey Honey and milk both are packed with essential nutrients and are known for their amazing health...
7 Benefits of Evening Exercises that Might Inspire You
It is usually believed that exercising in the morning can yield a wide range of benefits. And it makes sense...
Moringa: Health Benefits and Side Effects You Need to be Aware of
The world is slowly waking up to a new superfood, one that’s native to India and that we have consumed...
10 amazing Health Benefits of Walnuts
Walnuts have been touted as the ‘brain food’ because they resemble one. Research has proved that consuming walnuts regularly improves...
Soaked almonds vs. raw almonds: What is better?
01/9 Soaked almonds versus raw almonds: What is better? Have you heard people saying that eating overnight soaked almonds is...
Squats – the proper technique, benefits and variations
The most fundamental and most popular exercises for toning legs and butt are definitely squats. These are certainly not absent during a “leg...
What does turmeric do?
Aside from making Instagrammable golden lattes…? Image: Stocksy Over the past few years, the health and wellness world has developed...
18 Incredible Benefits of Oats You Were Unaware Of
Oats are said to be one of the healthiest food. it is specially included in the diet when people think...
7 Health Benefits of Cherries
It’s cherry season again! They’re fresh, plentiful, beautiful, and delicious, but, you may be wondering—are cherries actually that good for...
7 Amazing Benefits of Coconuts
Coconuts have remained popular in tropical regions for more than 4,500 years, and Indian households have been using coconuts in...