Not sleeping enough? Your brain might be eating itself

STORY HIGHLIGHTS Researchers recently found that not getting enough sleep consistently could cause the brain to clear a significant amount...

How Much Weight Should You Lift?

Choosing the right weight isn't random. Here's how to determine the resistance you should be using to fast-track your progress....

10 Muscle-Building Fundamentals You Need to Learn

These 10 tips can help you pack on muscle and strength. It's not easy to build muscle. Every guy knows...

What Is the Optimal Number of Reps in a Biceps Workout?

Your biceps lie along the front of your arm and help to bend your elbow and raise your arm. Strengthening...

Muscular Hypertrophy and Your Workout

Hypertrophy is an increase and growth of muscle cells. Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscular size achieved through exercise....

Should you have a Protein Shake Before or After your Workout?

Protein is necessary for muscle repair and growth. For this reason, many people consume protein supplements in the form of...

Anatomy of the Hamstring Muscles

The hamstrings are a group of muscles and their tendons at the rear of the upper leg. They include the...

How Often Should I Go to the Gym?

Are you confused about how often to go to the gym? Judging by the volume of Google searches for this...

Muscle Recovery: 14 Proven Ways To Bounce Back

If you’ve been training hard, you may have experienced delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) — that crippling muscle ache in the days after...

Can Masturbating Make Your Penis Larger or Smaller?

Let’s get the burning question out of the way right now — no, masturbation has no impact on the size...

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