What does calcium do?
This key mineral does much more than keep your teeth and bones strong. Dietician Carrie Ruxton gives the lowdown Photograph:...
What is the best pre workout snack or post workout meal?
It is important to make the most out of daily exercise. Pre- and post-workout foods are key. The challenge: there...
What Wet Dreams During Sleep Mean to Sexual Health
Wet dreams are not just for teenage boys. In what is a common experience, especially during adolescence or periods of...
If the stomach is not clear in the morning, try these 6 home remedies, you will get relief immediately
Clean your stomach: The problem of not having a clean stomach as soon as you wake up in the morning can trouble you...
Living With Back Pain? 5 Core Exercises You Need
Millions of Americans suffer from back pain on a routine basis. This problem increases with age, as bone mass diminishes, muscles stiffen,...
Creatine Supplements 101
Expert advice on this sports supplement, including when you should take it, creatine loading, and creatine monohydrate versus other types...
7 Benefits of Evening Exercises that Might Inspire You
It is usually believed that exercising in the morning can yield a wide range of benefits. And it makes sense...
Moringa: Health Benefits and Side Effects You Need to be Aware of
The world is slowly waking up to a new superfood, one that’s native to India and that we have consumed...
Oils to increase sexual excitement and sex power
Oil has been used since ancient times to increase sex power , there are some oils in Ayurveda, which work to increase sex power and...
10 amazing Health Benefits of Walnuts
Walnuts have been touted as the ‘brain food’ because they resemble one. Research has proved that consuming walnuts regularly improves...