Green apple health benefits

Despite their lesser popularity compared to red apples, green apples pack an impressive punch of health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and flavonoids, they can lower cholesterol, boost appetite, improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, promote heart health, reduce cancer risk, enhance brain function, and even keep your skin healthy. So, next time you’re craving a snack, consider reaching for a green apple – you won’t be disappointed!

Green apple health benefits

1. It’s a great source of fibre 

Apples are rich in fiber, beneficial for metabolism. Retain apple peels, as studies suggest they promote health by aiding detoxification and maintaining a toxin-free liver.

2. It has low-fat content 

Green apples are low in fat and high in water content, promoting improved blood circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. They also contain a significant amount of Vitamin K, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots.

3. It helps to strengthen the bones 

Green apples are rich in calcium, essential for maintaining strong bones. Particularly important for women post-30 and during menopause, they help prevent osteoporosis by supporting bone density.

4. It’s a rich source of vitamins A and C 

Green apples offer both vitamin A and C. Vitamin C protects skin cells from damage and reduces cancer risk, while vitamin A supports healthy eyesight.

5. It helps you lose weight and fat 

Green apples are beneficial for weight loss due to their high fiber content and nutrient richness. With fewer calories and more nutrients, they support weight loss efforts. The presence of Vitamin K further contributes to boosting blood circulation.

6. It’s good for vision 

The many green apple juice benefits include improved vision. Apples are high in Vitamin A, which helps to improve vision. Drinking green apple juice is a great way to improve your eyesight. 

7. It decreases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes 

According to one study that is underway, eating a couple of green apples a week could help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. While more research is needed before a conclusion can be drawn, you only stand to benefit from adding green apples into your diet.  

8. It is a great source of antioxidants 

Green apples contain antioxidants that are very beneficial in helping regenerate and rejuvenate cells. The green apple benefits also extend to maintaining healthy, radiant skin. The high composition of antioxidants further protects your liver and helps it function properly. 

9. Protectors for the lungs 

A study suggests that consuming green apples on a daily basis can lower the risk of lung cancer. Those who smoke regularly can consider adding this wonder fruit to their diet to make the most of its benefits.  

10. It reduces the risk of chronic inflammatory conditions 

Don’t throw the peel into the trash can when you’re eating apples. Aside from having health benefits, the apple peel has all the detoxifying elements and can improve your health in the same way as the apple meat. Green apples are also known for improving your immune system. 

11. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease 

A daily intake of apples prevents the possibility of developing age-related neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. 

12. It reduces the risk of asthma 

Regularly consuming apple juice may prevent asthma, which is an allergic condition characterised by hypersensitivity.  

13. It contains mineral content 

Green apples are rich in iron, manganese, potassium, copper, zinc and many other minerals. These minerals are essential for human health. The iron in apples helps to raise blood oxygen levels and boosts metabolism. 

14. It is an effective natural detoxifier 

Its high fibre content keeps the liver, kidneys and digestion systems free of toxins. Additionally, fibre helps eliminate constipation problems which is great for your digestive and overall health.  

15. It is good for blood clotting 

It contains Vitamin K, an essential nutrient that aids in coagulation and clotting of the blood. A person who drinks this juice has a better ability to heal wounds. It is also beneficial for women who experience excessive bleeding during their periods. 

16. Prevents the development of skin diseases 

A lack of nutrition can leave the skin susceptible to several skin disorders. The skin gets the necessary nourishment from green apple juice, for being in the pink of health. Even when applied topically, green apple extracts can deeply moisturise the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve its overall texture and appearance. 

How to select green apples 

It is important to buy green apples that are firm and brightly coloured. 

It’s always better to have individual apples rather than pre-bagged apples. Avoid buying apples that have a musky smell. 

How to store green apples 

Green apples should be stored in the refrigerator. After sprinkling the apples with water, wrap them in a perforated bag and store them inside the coldest corner of the refrigerator. You will be able to keep the apples fresh for almost two to three weeks. 

Green apples can also be stored for short periods at room temperature. Keep them in the refrigerator if you want them to ripen more quickly. 


How many apples should we eat a day?  

A person can consume one to two apples a day on average.  

Can we eat apples early morning on an empty stomach? 

Ayurveda advises against eating apples on an empty stomach as it can cause constipation and bloating. Instead, it’s recommended that apples should be consumed an hour after breakfast or lunch in order to enhance digestion.  

Which apple is good for weight loss? 

Apples contain fibre, as well as polyphenols, two types of nutrients that promote a healthy gut, reduce inflammation, and keep you feeling full for an extended period of time.  

You must choose an apple that you enjoy eating if you want to lose weight! Granny Smith, Pinata, and Pink Lady are a few that are delicious and help lose weight. They are all known for their tart flavour which makes them delicious. 

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